Invited by Dermatology Association of Bangladesh as a Key Speaker in CSCON 2019
March 14, 2019Covid 19 Risk Scan
March 31, 2020Celebrating World Vitiligo Day 2019 – Maharishi Vitiligo Centre takes this day as an opportunity to educate society regarding Vitiligo.
Maharishi Vitiligo Centre takes this day as an opportunity to educate society regarding Vitiligo.
Add Colour to Vitiligo Patient’s Life by Just Changing your View Towards Them.
Vitiligo can be treated
It is not a punishment, Not contagious
Not always hereditary, Can lead a
healthy life, No diet restriction
Know the Disease
Vitiligo is not contagious by nature therefore cannot be transmitted through touch. Please see, treat and be with them like a normal people.
Vitiligo is treatable if we treat it in a right way.
There are many hypothesis existing for postulating the cause of vitiligo. Autoimmune factors were once considered the prime pathogenetic factor. But in our understanding, rather than more destruction of melanocytes, there is lesser production of melanin (eumelanin or pheomelanin) by Melanocytes which are present at dermoepidermal junction. This disease has been claimed to coincide with many autoimmune disorders like Alopecia Areata, Hashimoto’s thyroiditis, Pernicious anemia. But our research results in over 80,000 patients hardly found such.
The slower production of melanin is attributed to the low activity of tyrosinase enzyme which converts tyrosin protein into Melanin. Phototherapy aims at stimulating tyrosinase and restart the process of repigmentation. The tough areas like hairless parts, lips, and tips of fingers can be finished with a combination of phototherapy and NCMT if needed .
Treatment Options
- Excimer Laser 308 Ra
- Narrow Band – UV B
- Targeted Phototherapy – Livia & Lumera
- Hand and Foot Unit
- Mini Punch Grafting (Erbium Yag assisted)
- Non Cultured Melanocyte Transplant
- Split Thickness Grafting
- Suction Blister Grafting
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