Meet the Vitiligo Specialist
Dr Sanjay Dubey, a passionate dermatologist who believed that Vitiligo is not just another dermatological problem but needs a highly organised and focussed care and the best of available treatments. He has a devoted practice since last 18 years, only to Vitiligo.He is an M.D from KMC Mangalore,and has strong ideology for the vitiligo care. He has introduced the concept of combination NVB plus UVA without any use of Steroids or any other immunomodulators. This has created a paradigm shift in the approaches to treat vitiligo, for the upcoming dermatologists.

Real Life. Real Stories / Patients Feedback
Values of Maharshi Vitiligo Centre

Affordable & patient friendly treatment

Patient above everything

Leadership excellence

Compassion and care

Integrity and courage maintaining highest standards of ethics and interest of patients